How To Potty Train A Puppy – Modern Ways

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How To Potty Train A Puppy- Puppies need to relieve themselves frequently, sometimes maybe once an hour. Initially, there will be many mistakes, but do not lose your patience or temper at the puppy. Always use simple, same one or two-word commands for elimination. If you unnecessarily scold it, your pup could become frightened and confused about what you are trying to do.

Tips on potty training:How To Potty Train A Puppy

  • How To Potty Train A Puppy- Learn the signs that point out the puppy needs to potty. Some of the clues are restlessness, sniffing the floor, or returning to a previously soiled spot. A pup needs to potty about 5-20 minutes after eating, sleeping or playing.
  • When you take your puppy outside to potty, take it to the same spot each time. As soon as your puppy potties praise enthusiastically. Give your puppy a small food treat to support the constructive behavior. Here you will find hypoallergenic dog treats recipes
  • Teach your puppy words for elimination. Use that word repeatedly as you try to get it to relieve itself. Then praise her enthusiastically when she actually does it. Eventually, she will learn the phrase just as she would any other command, and she’ll definitely be able to do it when you use the magical phrase.
  • Completely clean up any potty accidents in the house. Any scent left on the floor or on the carpet will encourage her to go there again, so you must remove the smell entirely. And, if your puppy is running around, and suddenly you see her squat, grab her and immediately take her out to its potty place. This will help to reinforce the idea that she should potty outside.
  • How To Potty Train A Puppy- Your puppy might still be pottying at various places inside the house. Scold her with a firm “No, but this does not help at times. The best way out is to ignore such accidents. Redouble your efforts to get the puppy out before there is another accident.
  • Never rub your puppy’s nose in their mess, nor hit them. This definitely does not teach them anything; moreover, it frightens and confuses them. When a mess is made, be sure to clean it up thoroughly.
  • Prevent water intake a few hours before it’s bedtime. This will help the puppy sleep through the night without waking you up to go outside nor will it dirty its bed.
  • How To Potty Train A Puppy- Make sure there is always a way for the dog to go outside without your help if you are not available. Don’t expect that the dog will always aware you. In case this is not possible, make some other arrangement so that the dog can inform you that it needs to go out. Eg. You can hang a small bell next to the door and teach the puppy to hit it whenever required.

How To Potty Train A Puppy- Potty training a puppy takes plenty of time and patience. You need to keep in mind that puppies are like any baby and they cannot hold much food and water for very long. Therefore, they need to potty very often until they grow up. So, do not lose patience. Your efforts will pay off.

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